Monday, February 27, 2012

ACTIONS Speak Louder Than WORDS

The PRODUCT of UNINFORMED voters of the United States of America!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

THE GREATER AND THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS - Knowing These Will Prevent The U.S. Economic Collapse

Why The U.S. Economy Has Not Recovered Since The Financial Crisis Of 2008?

Here are the party affiliation according to the Rasmussen tracking poll: 38.7% Democrats, 33.6% Republicans, and 27.7% Independents (the Moderates are included here).

From these numbers, it's no wonder why elections are decided by Independents.

They are the ones who put an inexperienced, incompetent Chicago politician to the highest office of this great country (not for long if they vote for him again).

So, why has the U.S. economy not recovered since the financial crisis of 2008?

Answer: The Independents!!

The Complete Economic Collapse Of The United States Could Be Prevented - Only If...

...the Uninformed Voters will be INFORMED and the Confused ones will be ENLIGHTENED.

These Moderates and Independents NEED to know only ONE thing about the political environment in this country...

Most U.S. presidents (43) came from two "EVIL" political parties:

[1] The "EVIL Capitalist party" - Republicans - less government, less taxes, less regulations, strong military, more freedom

[2] The "EVIL Socialist party" - Democrats - more government, more taxes, more regulations, cut military, less freedom

So, in any election (local dog catcher or president of the U.S.), you only have to vote for the LESSER OF 2 EVILS.

For me, it's better to have less government (more freedom). So, for me, the lesser of 2 evils is - The "EVIL Capitalist Party" - Republicans.

I DON'T CARE whoever is the Republican candidate - I'm going to vote for that guy (or gal). I'm not voting for WHO s/he is but for WHAT S/HE STANDS FOR - less government, less taxes, less regulations, strong military, more freedom.

I have no problem with dyed-in-the-wool democrats who voted for Barack Hussein Obama. In fact, I appreciate their loyalty to their party.

But my blood boils every time a Moderate or an Independent says, "I regret voting for Obama because I thought... blah, blah, blah"

I say to myself, "You and the rest of your 'kind' are the reasons why the U.S. economy is what it is right now."

Reasons Why The U. S. Economy Collapse Will Start In 2013

[1] YOU Are Going To Vote For Obama (The Greater Of 2 Evils) On November 2012.

[2] For Whatever reason, YOU Are Going To Sit Out The November 2012 Election.

When these two events happen, Obama gets elected to his 2nd term and we can all kiss America - as we know it - GOODBYE.

Don't believe me? Just read 'About me' (see above right) and my posts from October 4 and 6, 2008.

My footnote at my post on October 6, 2008:

My footnote at my post on October 4, 2008:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Next Financial Storm

In my first post, I called out the culprits of the financial crisis and the character of their presidential candidate. I thought most of the voters of this country were smart enough to vote for the lesser of two evils. But, I was wrong. Now, look at what this guy is doing to our country - in only his first year in office. That's the good news. The bad news is that he'll be in office for 3 more years. I can't imagine how much more damage he's going to inflict not only to the U.S. economy but also to the global economy in those three long years.

Seems Like Nobody Cares

The United States is in a deep FINANCIAL SPIRAL thanks to the geniuses in Washington. But just like the majority of everyday people, YOU might think everything will be fine soon and you're not thinking of preparing for the UNCERTAINTIES in the horizon. Let me lay out to you why I believe that there's a more serious financial storm that will hit us AND what WE - the everyday people - can do to prepare for this.

A True Patriot

First, let me introduce you to PETER SCHIFF - born March 23, 1963, graduate of the University of California Berkeley in 1987 and became the president of Euro Pacific Capital, a brokerage firm founded in 1980. Peter Schiff recognized way back in 2005 the growing housing bubble which eventually exploded in our faces towards the end of 2008 - the official start of the economic crisis. Watch in the video (December 2006) below how Peter was mocked, ridiculed, and laughed at by the so-called "financial experts" (bunch of clueless you-know-what) when he publicly expressed his concerns about the declining state of the economy. One of them even said, "The overall economy is going to do a lot better than we think."


In this March 2007 video, Peter described exactly how the SUB PRIME MORTGAGE market would collapse. Notice (once again) how the "expert" financial analysts mocked Peter.

I'm sure after watching these videos, you know who to listen to regarding the true condition of our economy and THE NEXT FINANCIAL STORM...

Monday, October 6, 2008

FNC/FBN Investigation: SAVING Our ECONOMY - What'$ Next?

This Special Report by Fox News Channel & Fox Business News and hosted by David Asman was aired last October 4 & 5, 2008. For those who missed this enlightening report, I uploaded the 6-part videos here. This report was an in-depth investigation into how we got into this financial and economic mess, the bailout plan of Washington, and how this financial crisis impacts the next president's agenda.


NOTE: YouTube took down this video (of course you know why)!!

"The DANGER we face today is on par with 'The Great Depression' which lasted for a decade and spawned the New Deal - the greatest expansion of the government in history. And part of that legacy is at the root of the current crisis... the Federal Mortgage Association, better known as FANNIE MAE." - FNC/FBN

- Fannie Mae was created in 1938 by Franklin Roosevelt (Dem). The idea was to help out people with their mortgages and thereby increase home ownership.

- In 1968, in the middle of another huge federal government expansion - a bunch of social programs called 'The Great Society' - Lyndon Johnson (Dem) privatized Fannie Mae (at least on paper only). Actually, Fannie Mae was still a part of the government ready to bail it out.

- In 1970, the Federal Home Loan Association, better known as Freddie Mac, was created to provide competition to Fannie Mae.

- "When we have these organizations that are backed by the government, they will take RISKS that no other organizations can take." - Peter Wallison, former general counsel of the Treasury Department

- The risk kept rising over the years, in part, because the government wanted it that way. In particular, the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). In my opinion, this was the FUSE to the current FINANCIAL CRISIS.

- The CRA was passed in 1977 during Jimmy Carter's (Dem) first year in office. The law required financial institutions to GIVE CREDIT to LOW INCOME families. This empowered community organizations to bully banks. One such organization was ACORN.

- The Associations Of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN) came up with a new tactic challenging a bank in Illinois claiming they did not make loans that ACORN felt were required under the CRA. The bank complained that such loan would be financially irresponsible.

- A young community organizer named BARACK OBAMA worked closely with the ACORN activists behind the new strategy. The strategy worked. Obama represented ACORN and prevailed in court (Buycks-Roberson vs. Citibank Fed. Sav. Bank, 1994) and soon, CREDIT STANDARDS were being LOWERED across the country.

............... The FUSE of the financial crisis was LIT!!!


NOTE: YouTube took down this video (of course you know why)!!

"How can a tiny fraction of mortgages going bad could cause our entire economy to collapse? A professor that teaches credit and derivatives at New York University explains the financial meltdown which involved the repackaging of mortgages into Mortgage Backed Securities; which are then repackaged again into Collateralized Mortgage Obligations; and further repackaged into Tranches." - FNC/FBN

This 'train wreck' is so predictable. Because WE'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE. In this video, you'll learn how many times these mortgage securitization schemes failed before between the Civil War and World War 2.


NOTE: YouTube took down this video (of course you know why)!!

"How can our most important financial institutions hold so much bad debt without anybody doing about it. The truth is, a lot of people saw the problem. And others acted on what they said... we wouldn't be here right now." - FNC/FBN

"When house prices started to go up 10, 15, 20% a year... you know that that just can't last." Wall Street Journal in 2002

"There's a real question in my mind... whether Congress controlled Fannie Mae or Fannie Mae controlled Congress." Peter Wallison


NOTE: YouTube took down this video (of course you know why)!!

"For years Congress failed to pass tougher oversight for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. That continuing lack of control allowed those two GSEs to keep pumping risky mortgage securities into our nation's financial system. The one thing the politicians couldn't control were the unrelenting forces of the market place." - FNC/FBN

"In the years 2005 to 2007, they (Freddie and Fannie) put about a TRILLION dollars in sub prime and other kinds of bad mortgages in their balance sheets in order, in my view, to prove to Congress that they still had value." Peter Wallison

Freddie, Fannie, Countrywide, Bear Stearns, Indymac, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, AIG went belly up!

"The scale of help is such that I don't think It can come from the private sector." Warren Buffet


NOTE: YouTube took down this video (of course you know why)!!

"How the biggest financial story in a long time turned into a politcal drama." - FNC/FBN

"And it may make you angry... it makes me angry. When you ask about the taxpayers being on a hook, guess what... they're already on the hook." Henry Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury about the bailout.

"The house Republicans are not going to go along (the initial bailout plan). We're not going to give $20M to a left wing group, we're not going to agree to any extra spending, and we're not going to agree to do this without very strict controls." John Boehner (R- Ohio), September 25th meeting at the White House

"I'm with Boehner." John McCain (R-Arizona), September 25th meeting at the White House

Nothing in Wahington stays simple. Secretary Paulson's original (bailout) plan was about 3 pages long. The House legislation was 110 pages. The Senate legislation was over 450 pages (now called Economic Stabilization Act of 2008)! Why this long? SWEETENERS (more taxpayers' money)!!


NOTE: YouTube took down this video (of course you know why)!!

"Many politicians and financial experts are warning - we'll face another GREAT DEPRESSION if we're not smart. But historians and economists are also learning new lessons about the Depression and how the government may have made things a lot worse. Can we learn from those mistakes?" - FNC/FBN

"We really could go through Depression if we repeated the mis-steps of the 1930s. When you RAISE TAXES, you make the crash last longer. People shut down their business rather than pay those taxes. What will help us recover? It won't be the government. You can't legislate recovery. It will be the market." Amity Shlaes, author 'The Forgotten Man'

At The First Debate (October 1, 2008):

QUESTION: "As a result of the bailout plan and the billions it is going to cost, as President, what are you going to have to give up?

McCAIN: "I will impose one-year SPENDING FREEZE on every agency in the Federal government, excepting only national defense, the care of our veterans, and a few critical priorities."

OBAMA: Obama recited a laundry list of substantial new spending programs and did not specify what parts of his big plan he will cut back, if any.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bill O'Reilly Lost His Cool On Barney Frank - You Should Too!

Why? Because as soon as Barney Frank (Democrat - Massachusetts), chairman of the Financial Services Committee in Congress, opened his mouth, he uttered a litany of apparently deceitful statements.

#1: 'I did what the Republicans hadn't been able to in 12 years - get through the committee a very tough regulatory bill.' (because together with his party, he blocked the Republican tighter regulatory efforts; see videos below for proof)

#2: 'I've always felt two things about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac... that they have important role to play, but that the regulation should be improved.' (videos below tell otherwise about the latter)

#3: 'From 1995 to 2006, when the Republicans controlled Congress and we were in the minority, we could not get that done.' (they couldn't because they looked the other way; see video below for proof)

That's Barney Frank - the pride and joy of Massachusetts and given a lot of credit by his party for helping 'PUT TOGETHER' the $700+ Billion bailout plan!!

God Save America!!

Excerpted from...
'Regulating Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac'
Now It Gets Serious
By: Peter J. Wallison
Friday, May 13, 2005

In the fall of 2004, OFHEO (Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight) reported that Fannie Mae had also manipulated its accounting, and to a degree far more significant than what Freddie had done. At a dramatic hearing in Richard Baker's (Republican - Louisiana) subcommittee, Fannie's chair, Franklin Raines, stood by the company's accounting, claiming that Fannie was being victimized by an overzealous regulator and its accounting position would eventually be vindicated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which had been asked to review the disputed accounting. The tenor of things in Congress was still so supportive of the GSEs (Government Sponsored Enterprise - Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae) that Armando Falcon, the director of OFHEO, received a far more hostile reception than Raines got in Baker's subcommittee. Nevertheless, most accounting specialists viewed Raines's position as unsupportable, and many questioned his judgment both in making a frontal assault on his regulator and in making statements under oath that might later put him in jeopardy. Weeks later, the SEC's chief accountant dismissed Raines's contentions, famously holding up a piece of paper and telling Raines to his face that Fannie's position on the relevant accounting was not even 'on the page' of allowable interpretations. Shortly thereafter, Fannie announced that Raines had resigned as chairman and CEO. Both the Justice Department and the SEC have begun investigations of Fannie's accounting, and the company has dismissed its former auditors and retained an independent counsel to conduct an investigation of its own accounting.

Now, after these events as well as the results of the 2004 election, Fannie and Freddie would be delighted with the Senate committee bill, and as the new Congress began in January 2005, their managements both made statements that they were prepared to accept what they (Dems) opposed in 2004--even receivership. But it was too late. The world had moved on. Today, the controversial issue before Congress is no longer receivership, but something far more significant.